Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The body of a 15-year-old girl was found hanging in her house in Lasudia police station area on Friday evening. Her father alleged that the landlord’s son had an argument with his daughter, after which her body was found hanging.

According to the police, the deceased was identified as Purnima, daughter of Jeevan Panwar, a resident of Scheme No. 78. The landlord’s son informed the police about the incident. Her father Jeevan accused the landlord’s son of harassing his daughter.

He said that the youth had misbehaved with her earlier too, which led to an argument between him and the girl’s brother. He said that when Purnima’s body was found hanging, all the doors of the house were open, raising suspicion.

The family claimed that she had no problems which could have prompted her to take such a drastic step. The police did not find any suicide note from the scene. An autopsy of the body was conducted ascertain whether the girl committed suicide or was killed.  

Mother had left home 30 minutes earlier

The girl’s father said that he and his son had gone to work while her mother had left the house 30 minutes prior to the incident. The landlord’s son was the first to see the body hanging. Both doors of the house were open which raised doubts about the incident, he said. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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