Mumbai: A 14-year-old schoolgirl’s obscene photos were leaked by her classmate in the Andheri area. The accused allegedly circulated the photos among classmates in school and private coaching centers, causing immense humiliation to the victim.

Amboli Police have filed a case under the POCSO Act and other relevant sections against the minor boy, and further investigation is underway.Obscene pictures of a 14-year-old schoolgirl were leaked by her classmate in Andheri area.

The accused allegedly leaked the pictures among classmates in school and private coaching centre. After receiving a complaint in the matter, Amboli police have registered a case against the minor boy under the POCSO Act and other relevant sections and are investigating further.

The complainant, a 42-year-old woman, lives with her family in Jogeshwari. Her daughter, who is a student in a reputed Andheri school, is friends with the accused, who is 14 years old. Their friendship had turned into a relationship a few months ago during which they would frequently communicate on Snapchat.

The boy allegedly sent his obscene pictures and convinced the girl to share similar pictures. Trusting him, she did so. Recently, the girl ended their relationship due to a dispute, which angered the boy. He allegedly threatened to leak her pictures and then made them viral among her classmates and students in private coaching classes.

On discovering this, the victim informed her mother, who immediately contacted the police. Amboli police registered a case under relevant sections of the BNS and POCSO Act. The investigation has been handed over to the DN Nagar police, who will question the accused and determine the extent to which the photo was circulated.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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