The controversy regarding the appointment of ministers in-charge of Nashik and Raigarh districts in Maharashtra is deepening. After Shiv Sena’s protest, the Devendra Fadnavis government has put a temporary stay on the order to make Girish Mahajan (Nashik) and Aditi Tatkare (Raigad) ministers in-charge. But despite this ban, the tension between Shiv Sena and BJP is not showing any signs of reducing.

Shiv Sena’s opposition and pressure

Shiv Sena leaders and workers are insisting that the responsibility of Nashik and Raigarh districts should be given to their leaders.

  • Protest in Raigarh:
    Supporters of Shiv Sena leader and Employment Guarantee Minister Bharat Gogawale have demanded that he be given the charge of Raigarh district.

    • On Tuesday evening, Gogawale’s supporters raised slogans outside Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s bungalow Muktagiri in south Mumbai.
    • Supporters argue that Gogawale has a strong support base in Raigarh.
  • Dissatisfaction in Nashik:
    There is disagreement over making BJP leader Girish Mahajan the minister in-charge of Nashik.

    • Shiv Sena leader Dada Bhuse and his supporters want the responsibility of Nashik district.
    • Bhuse has already held the charge of this district and is trying to get it back.

Ban on appointment of ministers in charge

Following growing pressure between Shiv Sena and BJP, the government has put the appointments on hold for the time being.

  • However, only Girish Mahajan and Aditi Tatkare will hoist the flag in the events of January 26.
  • Shiv Sainiks fear that this temporary ban may later turn into a permanent appointment.

Gogawale vs Tatkare in Raigarh

There are long standing political differences between Shiv Sena’s Bharat Gogawale and NCP’s Aditi Tatkare in Raigarh district.

  • Past controversies:
    Even when Eknath Shinde was the Chief Minister and Aditi Tatkare was made the minister, Gogawale’s supporters had protested.

    • At that time Shinde had to leave his tour midway and return.
  • Current Tension:
    Gogawale, who is now a minister, is worried about losing the charge of Raigarh district. His supporters are protesting and putting pressure on the government.

Increasing tension between Shiv Sena and BJP

Differences between Shiv Sena and BJP have deepened over the responsibility of Nashik and Raigarh districts.

  • BJP’s side:
    BJP is adamant on keeping Girish Mahajan as minister in-charge in Nashik.
  • Shiv Sena’s side:
    Shiv Sena wants their leaders to be given charge of the districts, especially Raigarh.

Protest by Gogawale supporters

Gogawale’s supporters demonstrated on the Mumbai-Goa highway last Saturday and blocked the road.

  • He demanded the government to ensure that the charge of Raigarh district is given to Gogawale.

future prospects

Pressure is increasing on the governments of Devendra Fadnavis and Eknath Shinde.

  • Shiv Sena pressure:
    Shiv Sena is making every possible effort to ensure that their leaders get the responsibility of the districts.
  • BJP’s balance:
    BJP is finding it difficult to strike a balance between its leaders and ally Shiv Sena.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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