Mumbai: In a fresh twist to the murder of Santosh Deshmukh, a prominent figure in Massajog village, state minister Dhananjay Munde could once again find himself in legal trouble. Sarangi Mahajan, the wife of Pravin Mahajan, has accused Dhananjay Munde and his sister, Pankaja Munde, of forcibly acquiring her land through threats.

The land in question, valued at Rs 3.5 crore, was allegedly obtained for just Rs 21 lakh. Mahajan claims that the Munde family used coercion, forcing her to sign blank papers at a meeting in Parli, with threats to not let her leave unless she complied. She also names Walmik Karad, one of the accused in Deshmukh’s murder, and his associates as part of the land-grabbing scheme.

The allegations date back almost a month before the killing of Deshmukh, with Mahajan planning to meet Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to present her case.

Mahajan’s account of the events reveals that Dhananjay Munde’s associate, Govind Munde, intimidated her into signing the documents. She claims that Govind Munde threatened her, saying she wouldn’t be allowed to leave Parli until the signatures were given. Despite being unaware at the time, Sarangi later found out that the land had been registered under Govind Munde’s name and those of his family.

She also revealed that within three days, the land had been transferred in several land records. Mahajan approached Dhananjay Munde for clarification, but he reportedly dismissed her concerns, saying that she had not followed up properly. During a subsequent hospital visit, Munde allegedly assured her that he was aware of all land transactions in Parli, though Mahajan later realised she had been duped.

Mahajan further claims that the people who threatened her were connected to Walmik Karad, a name she believes is associated with Pankaja Munde. Having already approached prominent politicians like Ajit Pawar and Sharad Pawar regarding the issue, Mahajan is now set to meet with the chief minister.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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