As the finale of Salman Khan’s reality show ‘Bigg Boss 18’ approaches, difficulties have increased for the contestants. This week, a nominated member has been shown the way out of the show in the mid-week eviction. The nominations included Rajat Dalal, Chahat Pandey and Shrutika Arjun. There are only nine days left till the finale, and a double eviction has been planned to quickly decide the top 5 players of the show.

Who got evicted: Chahat or Shrutika?

Social media page named Bigg Boss Tak shared the information on Shrutika was eliminated on the basis of public votes.

However, interestingly this week’s double eviction is not over. Chahat Pandey and Rajat Dalal, who survived this eviction, are still not safe. Another contestant will be eliminated from the show in Weekend Ka Vaar.

Public Reaction: Shrutika’s eviction unfair?

There have been mixed reactions from the audience on Shrutika’s elimination. Some people are considering it the right decision, while others are calling it unfair eviction.

  • One user wrote:

    “I don’t know what fun Bigg Boss enjoys in keeping undeserving people in the show. Shrutika was more deserving.”

  • Another commented:

    “Shrutika was out because she gave priority to Chum over herself.”

A large part of Shrutika’s fan following believes that she was a strong contender for the finale, and her elimination is shocking.

Double eviction plan

Two eliminations will be conducted this week to decide the top 5 contestants till the finale of the show.

  • Shrutika is out in mid week eviction.
  • In Weekend Ka Vaar, the second member will be eliminated from the show.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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