Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Amid ongoing protests over the burning of Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) waste in Pithampur, a team of doctors from the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College is conducting a study and preparing a detailed report on the issue following directions of the government.

The study aims to clear misconceptions and assess the environmental and health impacts of the waste disposal. The protestors had alleged that burning 10 tonnes of toxic waste in 2015 turned the water red, caused skin problems and increased cancer cases in the area.

To investigate these claims, the medical team is conducting field visits, talking to residents and scientifically analysing the waste’s effects. The findings will be compiled into a report to be submitted to the state government. This initiative is in compliance with part of an order by the Madhya Pradesh high court, Jabalpur and is overseen by the Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation Department.

A meeting was held on January 11 in Bhopal, where representatives from environmental agencies, the Pollution Control Board and MGM Medical College, including Dr S.B. Bansal (PSM) and Dr Ramesh Arya (oncology), participated. Officials from Indore and Dhar also joined via video conferencing. The report will provide an impartial and detailed assessment of the situation, hoping to address public concerns.

The issue has sparked nationwide attention, with residents of Pithampur protesting the government’s waste disposal methods. Containers of hazardous waste remain stored in Pithampur, highlighting the urgency of the situation. Experts expect the findings to bring clarity and guide future decisions on safe waste disposal practices.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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