With the start of the new year, MG Motor India has increased the prices of some variants of its premium SUV Astor 2025. However, the prices of some variants have been kept the same. The variants whose prices have been revised range from Rs 12,000 to Rs 49,000, taking the percentage to a maximum of 3.02%. Let us understand the difference between the new and old prices of all the variants of Astor.
MG Astor new and old prices (January 2025)
1.5L Normal Petrol-Manual
variants |
old price |
Difference |
new price |
% increase |
sprint |
₹9,99,800 |
no changes |
₹9,99,800 |
, |
shine |
₹11,99,800 |
₹12,000 |
₹12,11,800 |
1.00% |
choose |
₹13,30,800 |
₹13,000 |
₹13,43,800 |
0.98% |
Select Black Storm |
₹13,64,800 |
₹13,000 |
₹13,77,800 |
0.95% |
Sharp Pro |
₹14,99,800 |
₹21,000 |
₹15,20,800 |
1.40% |
Sharp Pro 100Y |
₹14,95,800 |
₹45,000 |
₹15,40,800 |
3.01% |
1.5L Normal Petrol-CVT Automatic
variants |
old price |
Difference |
new price |
% increase |
choose |
₹14,32,800 |
₹14,000 |
₹14,46,800 |
0.98% |
Select Black Storm |
₹14,66,800 |
₹14,000 |
₹14,80,800 |
0.95% |
Sharp Pro |
₹16,25,800 |
₹23,000 |
₹16,48,800 |
1.41% |
Sharp Pro 100Y |
₹16,23,800 |
₹49,000 |
₹16,72,800 |
3.02% |
Savvy Pro |
₹17,21,800 |
₹24,000 |
₹17,45,800 |
1.39% |
1.35L Turbo Petrol-TC Automatic
variants |
old price |
Difference |
new price |
% increase |
Savvy Pro |
₹18,34,800 |
no changes |
₹18,34,800 |
, |
Cause and effect of price rise
- Reasons for price increase:
- Increase in input costs (manufacturing and supply chain).
- Incorporation of new technology and premium features.
- Impact on Customer:
- With an increase of up to 3.02% on variants like Sharp Pro 100Y, it may impact the budget of customers.
- However, no change in the price of variants like Sprint and Savvy Pro will bring relief to the customers.
Features of MG Astor
- Engine Options:
- 1.5L Normal Petrol.
- 1.35L Turbo Petrol.
- Features:
- Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).
- Panoramic sunroof.
- Premium interior design.
- Value for Money:
- With a powerful engine and premium features, it is a popular choice in the SUV segment.