According to Vedic astrology calculations, Mercury will transit into Aquarius from Tuesday, February 11, 2025. This zodiac change of Mercury, the prince of planets, will take place in Aquarius after staying in Capricorn for 19 days. Saturn is the lord of both Capricorn and Aquarius, but Aquarius is also the moola trikon sign of judge Saturn, the lord of karma. According to astrology, currently Saturn is situated in its original triangle sign. Due to the transit of Mercury in this zodiac sign, the conjunction of the two planets will affect all the zodiac signs including the country and the world.
Astrological significance of Mercury transit in Aquarius
According to Vedic Astrology mathematical calculations, Mercury will enter Saturn’s zodiac sign Aquarius on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 12:58 pm. According to astrology, Aquarius, owned by Saturn, is an air sign, which inspires thoughtfulness and contribution to society. The transit of Mercury in this zodiac sign is considered helpful in giving birth to creativity, inventiveness and new ideas. This time is favorable for research, innovation and scientific thinking. This transit of Mercury can bring new opportunities for those interested in technical and digital fields.
Mercury is the lord of Gemini, hence the transit of Mercury has special significance for them. The logical and analytical abilities of Gemini people will increase. New opportunities will open for people working in the technical field. People working in digital marketing, software or IT fields are likely to get promotion or recognition. This time will be favorable for higher education. Those who want to change their career may get new and better roles.
The transit of Mercury will be good for Libra, especially in the relationship and financial sector. Libra sign people will make new plans and will be successful in implementing them professionally. There will be success in projects related to research and innovation.