Mehsana News: In Dhanali village of Mehsana, an incident of sterilization of a young man by a health worker by filling a wrong form has come to light. The 31-year-old youth was sterilized by the health department. In this regard, the family members allege that after investigation it was found that the operation was done after asking the young man to go to work.

According to the information, a 31-year-old youth was going to get married next month in Dhanali village. The health worker told him to go to work, filled the wrong form and got him sterilised. After this the family members of the young man made allegations. After which the team of District Health Officer investigated. In which the young man was asked to go to work and first he was given alcohol to drink. After this it was revealed that the health worker performed the sterilization operation while not being conscious. After this, further action was taken against the health worker.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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