Kuno (Madhya Pradesh): Mukhi turned 2 today… Well, she is the lone surviving cub of the first cheetah litter born on Indian soil in 75 years. This little, yet adamant, cub went against all the odds to emerge as a ray of hope for India’s wildlife future.

The cub is no less than a lone warrior who battled India’s intense heat, among other geographical challenges. She then boldly witnessed the demise of her siblings and recovered from a severe injury that could’ve cost her life.

But, here she stands like a warrior and flourishing in Kuno, being the ultimate representation of willpower.

Demise of her siblings

In her initial days, Mukhi, the little cub, had to go through tough circumstances when three of her siblings couldn’t bear the intense heat and died, while her mother abandoned her.

This broke Mukhi and made the cub vulnerable, but her strive to survive ignites a sense of pride amongst all of us. The little cub countered all kind of hardships coming her way.

The little cub countered all kind of hardships coming her way.

The little cub countered all kind of hardships coming her way. | FP Photo

An injured limb could not break her spirit

She sustained major injuries on her limbs when she was merely 9 months old. But even an injured limb could not break her spirit and with further routine intervention of medical experts and veterinarians, Mukhi recovered rapidly. Her recovery was no less than a symbol of sheer tenacity.

Mukhi flaunts her natural hunting skills

As the cub turns 2 today, the little one loses all traces of the baby she once was. Now, she has learnt to embrace her natural skills and hunt wild prey independently on her own. She has been exploring the poetic bond of cheetahs and wildlife in the lush green habitat of Kuno and sustaining her presence as a warrior.

Mukhi becomes a grown-up cheetah now

Mukhi becomes a grown-up cheetah now | FP Photo

As Mukhi wanders in the Kuno she reminds us all that where this a will, there is a way! Today, when she turns 2, the officials of Kuno National Park pays tribute to her incredible journey from being a vulnerable little cub to an independent force is truly inspiring for all.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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