What is MedsRX formula?
M means meditation
Meditation means sitting in thinking. It is necessary to focus on becoming mentally strong. This can help you stay stress free. Physical health is also good. Attention stress hormone keeps cortisol under control. Due to which attention helps in reducing inflammation in the body. Peace and stress -free life of the mind can reduce the risk of cancer.
E means ex-size
Exercising daily is good for physical and mental health. And blood circulation in the body remains regular. And the waste inside the body can easily get out. It helps prevent this dangerous disease by controlling hormones related to cancer such as insulin and estrogen. Even mild exercise, such as walking 150 minutes per week, cycling or swimming, can reduce the risk of cancer.
D means diet
Healthy and balanced diet can keep cancer away from the body. Antioxidants present in foods such as fruits, vegetables, fruits and whole grains help protect cells from damage. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, berries, turmeric and green tea have anti-cancer properties. In addition, fried foods, more sugar and red meat should be avoided.
S means sleep
Good sleep is needed by everyone. This helps to repair DNA and maintain hormonal balance. Cancer can be avoided by taking at least 7 to 9 hours of deep sleep. Lack of sleep increases problems like swelling and insulin resistance in the body. Which can increase the risk of cancer.
R means relationship
If your social relationships are strong and you get emotional support, you can avoid cancer. People who have good friends, family and colleagues are mentally healthy. Their immune system is strong. Such relationships help them adopt a good lifestyle and avoid smoking and alcohol.
X is a factor.
X refers to the activity that gives us happiness and satisfaction. Meaning all the activities that give you peace. Hobbies such as dance, listening to music and painting provide mental peace, which can reduce the risk of cancer.