Mumbai: A disturbing incident has come to light in a private school in Bhandup, where a lift mechanic allegedly molested three girl students. The case has caused an uproar in the locality, leaving parents deeply worried about the safety of their children. The Bhandup Police have arrested the accused, Gopal Bhobhani Gowda (27), in connection with the incident.

The incident occurred on November 27 at a private international school in Bhandup West. The school administration had called Gopal Gowda to repair a malfunctioning lift. While he was on the premises, three students two aged 10 and one aged 12 were on their way to their classroom. It is alleged that Gowda inappropriately touched one student on backs and made obscene gestures.

The victim, who resides with her family in Mulund, is a student at an international school in Bhandup West. On Wednesday morning, she attended school as usual. During this time, the accused, Gowda, was present at the school to repair a lift. Between 10 AM and 1:45 PM, he allegedly behaved inappropriately touch with the girl. He reportedly allegedly stared at two other girls, followed them, and frightened the victim by saying, “Tumko mai leke jayega” (“I will take you away”).

After returning home, the girl told her mother about the incident. After that, the mother informed the school administration and went to Bhandup police station to file a complaint. After registering the complaint of the victim’s mother, the police have registered a case and arrested the accused Gowda, a resident of Diva. This incident that took place in a school in Bhandup has once again raised the issue of student safety.

The Bhandup police have registered a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and have arrested the accused, identified as Gopal Gowda (27). Acting on the complaint, the police arrested the accused on November 21 and have booked acused under Sections 8, 12 of the POCSO Act and Sections 74, 78 of BNS Act. Senior Police Inspector Dattatray Khandagale of Bhandup police station confirmed the arrest.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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