In Sanatan Dharma, Amavasya date of every month has special significance. On this day, Shraddha, Tarpan and Pind Daan are performed for the peace of the ancestors. According to the Hindu calendar, Mauni Amavasya will be celebrated on 29 January 2025, which is also known as Maghi Amavasya. Maha Kumbh is being organized in Prayagraj on this day, and Amrit Snan will be organized on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya.

Bathing and charity on Mauni Amavasya are considered fruitful. By taking bath on this day, all the sins of the seeker are destroyed and one gets relief from the problems arising due to Pitra Dosh. Let us know the surefire ways to please the ancestors on the day of Mauni Amavasya:

Ways to please ancestors

  1. importance of bathing: Take bath in Brahma Muhurta in the morning on the day of Mauni Amavasya. It is believed that on this day gods, goddesses and ancestors come to take bath in the river Ganga. On this auspicious day, by taking bath mixed with holy river or Ganga water, the ancestors are pleased and bless the family with happiness and prosperity.
  2. charity: It is considered best to do charitable works on the day of Magh Amavasya. Donate jaggery, sesame, ghee, warm clothes and money as per your capacity. With these donations one gets blessings from ancestors and gets rid of obstacles in life.
  3. Shraddha for ancestors: On this day, perform Tarpan, Pind Daan and Shraddha for the peace of ancestors. By doing this the ancestors are pleased and bestow the blessings of wealth, happiness, prosperity and prosperity to their descendants.
  4. worship of gods: Worship Sun God, Vishnuji and Lord Bholenath on the day of Mauni Amavasya. Chant their mantras. This eliminates all sins and provides relief from family troubles, ancestral defects and financial constraints.
  5. text of ancestral shield: To get the blessings of ancestors, recite Pitru Kavach, Pitru Suktam or Pitru Stotram. This remedy helps in maintaining an atmosphere of happiness in the house.

The day of Mauni Amavasya is the best opportunity to please the ancestors and seek their blessings. The measures taken on this day bring positivity and prosperity in life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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