Mauni Amavasya has special significance in Hindu religion. This day is considered a symbol of purity, penance and self-purification. This year Mauni Amavasya will be celebrated on 29 January 2025, Wednesday. On this day, devotees will observe silence and take bath in other holy rivers including Ganga and earn virtuous benefits. Mauni Amavasya literally means ‘silent Amavasya’. According to religious beliefs, bathing in rivers while remaining silent on this day destroys a person’s sins and purifies the soul. Bathing in the Ganga has special significance on this day, because it is believed that by this the sins of many births are erased and one attains salvation.
Symbol of silence and self-control
According to Pandit Purendra Upadhyay, remaining silent on Mauni Amavasya is a symbol of self-control. This day is dedicated to the memory of the penance and meditation of sages and ascetics. According to mythology, on this day at the beginning of creation, ‘Manu’ observed his fast of silence, due to which it is called ‘Mauni Amavasya’.
Appropriate time for holy bath
Pandit Suryamani Pandey tells that on the day of Mauni Amavasya, taking bath in silence before sunrise is considered very auspicious. This year, the auspicious time of bathing will start from Brahma Muhurta on 29th January and will last for the whole day. On this day devotees worship Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva after taking river bath. Charity also has special importance; Donating food, clothes and money to the needy is extremely virtuous. Along with this, a message is given to remain silent, introspect and adopt the path of spirituality.
Special importance of Kumbh and Sangam bath
This day is even more special for the devotees who take bath at Prayagraj Sangam or Kumbh sites. Bathing in the Sangam provides an opportunity to take a dip in the confluence of the three holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. It is considered a symbol of self-purification and salvation.
spiritual peace through introspection
Fasting and bathing on Mauni Amavasya brings peace, restraint and positivity in a person’s life. By silently introspecting, the mind becomes calm and the person moves towards knowing his inner truth. This year, on Mauni Amavasya, devotees will try to make their lives religious and virtuous by taking bath in holy rivers and offering prayers. This day is an important step towards spirituality and self-knowledge.