Mumbai’s Matunga police have arrested eight individuals involved in the illegal trafficking of children, including a woman who sold her own child. The case was filed based on a complaint from the woman’s mother-in-law, and the police have launched an investigation.

According to Matunga police, the woman, Manisha Suni Yadav (32), sold her 17-month-old daughter in Bangalore. The complaint about the sale of the child was filed by Manisha’s mother-in-law, Pramila Pawar (51), who reported the incident to the police.

Based on the complaint, an FIR was registered, and the investigation began. During the investigation, Manisha and eight individuals who helped her sell the child were arrested. The arrested suspects are Sulochana Suresh Kamble (45), Meera Rajaram Yadav (40), Yogesh Suresh Bhoi (37), Roshni Sontu Ghosh (34), Sandhya Arjun Rajput (48), Madina alias Munni Imam Chavan (44), Tainaz Shaheen Chauhan (19), and Baby Moinugrin Tamboli (50).

After their arrest, the accused were presented before court and remanded to police custody until December 19. The police are investigating whether the arrested individuals have been involved in similar crimes. The investigation is ongoing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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