The fire erupted on Dindoshi Hills on Monday night, marking the second fire incident in the area in two weeks. As per Mumbai fire brigade, the fire was reported around 8.40 pm on the hills next to Film City in Goregaon. The blaze is confined to the shrubs and fire fighting operations are underway.
Sharing the video of the fire on Dindoshi Hills, the environmentalists raised questions on repeated fires in the eco-sensitive zone, alleging deliberate ignition of fire by the private developers to kill the vegetation on the hills.
Crying for help to save to green cover from the grabs of private developers, Stalin D from NGO Vanshakti posted on X saying, “Dindoshi forests on fire once again, despite NGT orders to protect it. Please take immediate action,” the environmentalist said tagging Maharashtra Forest department and BMC.
On December 29, 2024 a fire had erupted on Dindoshi Hills abutting Sanjay Gandhi National Park, opposite Goregaon Infinity IT Park. The FPJ had reported on January 1 that the Mumbai Fire Brigade has transferred investigation of the Dindoshi Hills to Mumbai Police as the primary investigation found no traces of natural or accidental fire.
NGO Vanshakti had complained to the Maharashtra Forest Department, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Mumbai suburban collector, and other authorities seeking an immediate investigation into the Dindoshi Hills fire incident. It alleged that that the blaze was not accidental or natural but deliberately ignited to kill the vegetation near SGNP so that the land could be used for commercial purposes in the near future.