New Delhi: South Korean President Yoon Soof Amul withdrew martial law within 6 hours of declaring martial law in the country. In fact, President Yoon had accused the opposition MPs of promoting Korea. Therefore, martial law will have to be imposed but against this, 190 MPs in the 300-member Parliament voted in favor of impeaching the President if martial law is not withdrawn. While 110 MPs voted against.
Therefore, realizing the seriousness of the situation, President Yoon Suof Aul finally decided to withdraw martial law in a cabinet meeting.
President Youn Suf Aul declared martial law in the country late Tuesday night. He said that the opposition forces are engaged in anti-national activities and are working at the behest of North Korea. Therefore martial law is imposed. He made this announcement on TV. But after this protests started across the country.
National Assembly Speaker Woon Won Shik announced that martial law would be imposed in the country starting tonight. But then Liberal Democratic Party leader Li Zemiang protested, saying that until the law is withdrawn, we will “stay at home”. Ultimately President Yoon had to withdraw that order, that too within six hours.
South Korea’s opposition has come together to present an impeachment motion against President Yoon after martial law was imposed. After the declaration of martial law, the armed forces surrounded the entire Parliament and a situation like North Korea was created.
An impeachment motion against Yun requires a two-thirds majority in Parliament and the consent of at least six of the nine-member Constitutional Court to succeed. While the approval of 200 out of 300 members of parliament is needed, the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party and a coalition of five smaller parties are aiming to come together. Thus the total number of members of the opposition alliance is 192. They can vote on Friday.
The ruling party’s statement said the declaration of martial law by the President is a clear violation of the Constitution. There was no need to impose such martial law. His declaration of martial law was illegal and a violation of the Constitution. This can be termed as a treasonable act and provides sufficient grounds for impeachment.
PPP leader and Mayor Seo Oh-Shi Hoon also criticized it. According to the Constitution of South Korea, the President can impose a state of emergency only in cases of war, wartime, and other national emergencies.
Cho Jinmin, a professor at Seoul’s Dushkung Women’s University, supported the impeachment motion, saying the opposition had 192 votes instead of the required 200, and he believed ruling party lawmakers would cast the remaining votes. If the impeachment against President Yoon is successful, he will have to resign immediately and the number two in power, PM Han Duk Su, will become the President. Apart from this, due to the retirement of three judges, there are only six judges in the Constitutional Court. This simply means that all six judges will have to uphold the impeachment only then it will be passed.