Manish Pandey and Ashrita Shetty News: For some time now, news of divorce of players of the Indian cricket team has been coming to the fore. When Mohammed Shami got divorced, Shikhar Dhawan also separated from his wife. Hardik Pandya and Natasha got divorced some time ago. Now for the last few days, the divorce of Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree is being discussed. Meanwhile, there is news of another Indian cricketer’s relationship deteriorating.


According to the report, cricketer Manish Pandey’s relationship is in trouble. The relationship between Manish Pandey and his wife Arshita Shetty is not going well. Even both of them have deleted the photo from Instagram. According to the information, the relationship between Manish Pandey and Arshita Shetty had deteriorated for some time.

According to the latest report, both Manish Pandey and Arshita have deleted their wedding photos from social media. Arshita and Manish have also unfollowed each other from Instagram. Although Manish Pandey is not very active on social media, but he keeps sharing some pictures with his wife. However, now he has deleted those pictures.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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