Lucknow, 30 November (HS). Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, while addressing the ‘Green India Summit’ organized by a newspaper group on Saturday, expressed serious concern over the changing environment and ecosystem. He said that the country’s capital New Delhi has remained a gas chamber for the last one month. The situation is extremely serious for respiratory patients and the elderly. The government is worried about this and the court is strict. He said that environmental disasters are the result of unplanned development policies and wrong habits of human beings.
Referring to the changing pattern of monsoon, Adityanath said that earlier the monsoon used to start from June 15 and end by August 15, but now it extends from August 15 to October 15. Due to this, the timing of harvesting and sowing of crops is also changing. At some places there is excessive rainfall and at other places there is drought, due to which farmers are being ruined.
Yogi also described water pollution as a major problem. Blood pressure, sugar and stomach diseases are increasing due to polluted water. He said that the Modi government is supplying pure drinking water through the ‘Har Ghar Nal’ scheme, so that water-borne diseases can be controlled. Yogi said that our development has also been unplanned and unscientific. Will set up big industries and dump waste into rivers. By making life-giving rivers unhealthy, we are creating disaster for humans and living beings. Due to spraying of pesticides and chemicals beyond capacity, diseases are increasing rapidly. Within a state, the government had to run a train, which was named Cancer Train, that is, most of the patients coming in the train were of cancer. This disaster did not come from anywhere else, but was created by man himself.
Yogi said that the UP government has started many campaigns to reduce carbon emissions. Since 2017, 16 lakh LED street lights have been installed, reducing 9.4 lakh tonnes of carbon emissions and saving Rs 968 crore. Referring to the “PM Surya Ghar Yojana” of the Central Government, he said that under this scheme, people can produce the electricity they need by installing solar panels and can sell the excess electricity.
The Chief Minister said that since 2017 till now, 204 crore saplings have been planted in the state. The forest cover of the state has reached 10%, which is targeted to be taken to 15% in the next three years. 23,000 hectare land bank has been prepared in UP, which can be used for renewable energy.
Yogi said that polluted water and open defecation are very dangerous. Deaths due to encephalitis in 38 districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh from 1977 to 2017 are proof of this. 50 thousand children had died in 40 years. The cause of the disease was polluted water and dirt. Now toilets are being built in every house, a campaign is being run to provide pure water to every house. Due to this the disease was controlled within just two years. Now there is no death due to encephalitis.