Renowned lyricist Manoj Muntashir came down heavily on the makers of Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film, Sky Force, after they removed his name from the credit slate of the new song, Maaye. The lyricist called the move disrespectful and he has even threatened legal action if he was not given credit for the song.

On Tuesday, the makers of Sky Force dropped a teaser of a new song from the film, titled Maaye. As they offered a glimpse into the patriotic track, the credit slate mentioned, “By Tanishk Bagchi and B Praak,” who are the music composer and singer of the song respectively. They conveniently left out Muntashir’s name as lyricist from the list, and this did not go down well with him.

Muntashir took to his X handle and called out the makers of Sky Force for the sheer disrespect. He also threatened to “disown” the song. “Please note @jiostudios, @MaddockFilms @saregamaglobal, This song is not just sung and composed but also written by someone who has given all his blood and sweat to it,” he wrote.

He went on to say, “Removing writers name from the opening credits shows utter disrespect for the craft and fraternity by the makers.”

“If it’s not corrected immediately, including the main song releasing tomorrow, I am going to disown the song and make sure my voice is heard by the law of the land. Shame (sic),” he added.

The makers of Sky Force are yet to respond to Muntashir’s message. It is to be seen if the makers decide to add the lyricist’s name to the credit slate when the full version of the song goes live on Wednesday.

Sky Force is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, and the film has been bankrolled by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Studios. The film will see Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya play Indian Air Force officers, who were involved in launching the country’s first air strike on Pakistan in 1965.

Sky Force also stars Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur in key roles. The film is slated to release on January 24, during the Republic Day weekend.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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