Veteran Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee was recently seen in a special interview during the promotion of his film ‘Dispatch’. On this occasion, he mentioned a heart-wrenching incident related to the sets of his film ‘1971’. Manoj Bajpayee told how during the shooting of a scene, the lives of 5-6 people were in danger because of Manav Kaul.

Dangerous incident on the set of ‘1971’

Manoj Bajpayee told that during the shooting of the film ‘1971’ many times such situations arose when the lives of the team members were in danger. Referring to a particular incident he said:

“In one scene, we were all sitting in a jeep—Ravi Kishan, Kumud Mishra, Deepak Dobriyal, and I. In that scene, the jeep had to be brought down the slope and stopped in front of the camera. At that time, Manav Kaul was of a very mischievous and playful nature, who enjoyed teasing me.”

Manav Kaul joked while driving

Manoj Bajpayee further told that before the shooting he had advised Manav Kaul to be careful about driving.

“I said, ‘If you don’t know how to drive, then drive slowly.’ But Manav ignored my words and started jokingly scaring me.”

Due to this joke, the jeep went out of control and started moving down the slope towards the ditch.

When the jeep got stuck in the ditch

Manoj Bajpayee recalled the horror of that moment:

“After descending the slope, the jeep started moving towards the ditch instead of stopping. We all had accepted that we were going to die. But the jeep suddenly got stuck on a stone and was half hanging in the ditch.”

Other members of the team one by one took everyone out safely.

Still remember the abuse

When Manoj Bajpayee was asked whether he later discussed the incident with Manav Kaul, he laughed and said:

“Whenever I meet Manav, I abuse him for this incident.”

‘Dispatch’ is getting praise

Manoj Bajpayee’s recently released film ‘Dispatch’ is streaming on OTT platform ZEE5. His brilliant acting in this film is being highly praised. During this interview, he made his fans emotional by sharing his old memories.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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