Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The police are conducting a manhunt for an advocate from Ujjain, Santosh Sharma, who is suspected to be behind the killing of Dr Sunil Sahu at his clinic in the Rajendra Nagar area. Meanwhile, the police have interrogated several suspects who could be linked to the murder.

They are also investigating whether the deceased’s wife was involved in the murder or not. DCP Vinod Kumar Meena said that initial findings indicate the deceased’s wife had an extramarital affair with Santosh Sharma, which might have been the motive behind the killing of the doctor. The police are also investigating whether the murder was a contract killing or not, and searching for the three assailants who shot the doctor.

Additional DCP Alok Kumar Sharma said that the complete story of the murder will only become clear once Santosh is caught. The police raided his residence, but he was not found there. The SUV seen near the crime scene was identified as belonging to Santosh Sharma and was later traced to Ujjain after the killing. Based on the SUV footage and mobile data, the police have established Santosh’s involvement in the murder.

It is noteworthy that Dr Sunil Sahu was shot dead on Friday night in Kundan Nagar. Three assailants, posing as patients, shot the doctor in the chest and fled the scene.

Deceased’s wife met Santosh in 2021

DCP Vinod Kumar Meena further said that Sunil’s wife met Santosh in 2021, about one and a half years before her marriage to Sunil. Sunil’s wife was working at an advisory firm where Santosh was a client. She came into contact with him through this firm.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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