Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently levied tax on caramelised popcorn at 18% and salted ones at 12%, leading to hilarious memes taking the internet by storm. One of the reactions to this recent tax decision was uploaded by digital content creator and prankster Aryan Kataria. In his video, he went on the streets talking to people and falsely claiming GST on certain acts. For instance, the man told people keeping the shirt button open and holding a phone in their right hand would attract tax.

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In the video, Aryan took a hilarious dig at the scenario of taxes applied on popcorn and a few other goods in a recent decision by the GST Council. He interacted with strangers on the street to prank them about taxes. He falsely claimed that usual things they were doing were subject to GST, including keeping the shirt button unlocked or simply holding a phone in their right hand.

While this might sound too much to be true, the public stunt recorded the reactions of people when Aryan confronted them and suggested they had to pay tax for their dressing style, etc.

Influencer tells people about unreal and weird GST rules”

In the video, he pranked people about “weird GST rules”, which didn’t exist for real. He captioned the video by saying, “Saas leta hu 18% GST lag jata hai (18% GST is charged when I breathe)”.

Firstly, he spot a man speaking over a phone and went to fool him by saying, “Right hand mein phone matt pakdo. GST lagta hai”. On hearing this, the man stood up in confusion.

Next, Aryan approached a uniformed auto driver who had kept his shirt button unlocked, making his vest (banyan) partly visible. In his case, the influencer told that dressing up in such a way would fetch him GST. “Shirt ka agar button khula rakhoge toh GST bharna padaega”, he said leaving the man stunned. Soon, the man locked his shirt button.

People question weird GST rule during prank

As he interacted with more people, they questioned why would there be any GST on routine looks and acts. Aryan then replied by saying that similarly there was no meaning in adding GST to popcorn.

So far, the prank video has gathered 2.1 million views on the social media platform. It has left Instagram users laughing out loud and sharing ‘laughter’ emojis in the comments section.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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