In a tragic turn of events, a love marriage that began with promise ended with the husband taking his own life due to alleged harassment by his wife. The incident, which occurred in August 2024, has come to light after a court order directed the registration of a case against the wife, Bharti Pritam Gawande (32, resident of Indiranagar), for abetting her husband, Pritam Manohar Gawande (36, resident of Pathardi Phata), to commit suicide.
Pritam reportedly jumped into the Godavari River on August 12, 2024, after enduring harassment and repeated demands for money from his wife.
Pritam’s Father Manohar Gawande said that the couple met in 2019, and their acquaintance soon blossomed into love, culminating in their marriage. They settled in Pathardi Phata and started a life together. However, the financial strain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted Pritam’s work and left him struggling to make ends meet.
“As financial difficulties mounted, Bharti began belittling and harassing Pritam, demanding money from him despite their dire circumstances. The escalating discord led to Pritam becoming increasingly isolated and ultimately taking the drastic step of ending his life”, Said Gawande.
Father’s Pursuit of Justice
Pritam’s father, Manohar Nathu Gawande, a retired Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police from Ulhasnagar, Thane, grew suspicious when his son went missing a few months after his marriage. During his search, he reportedly uncovered details about the harassment his son endured.
After discovering that Pritam had committed suicide, Manohar sought justice by filing a court application. Acting on his plea, the court directed the Panchavati Police to register a case and conduct a detailed investigation into the matter.