Badaun: In a shocking incident, a young man who was upset over ongoing disputes with his in-laws set himself on fire at the gate of the SSP office in Uttar Pradesh’s Badaun on Wednesday afternoon. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the police officials are trying to douse the fire after the youth immolated himself in front of the office.
The incident created panic as flames erupted and police officers rushed to douse the fire. Senior police officials came out of their offices upon hearing the commotion. There are reports that the man suffered serious burn injuries and was immediately taken to the district hospital. Due to his critical condition, he was later referred to a hospital in Bareilly.
About the Dispute
The man identified as Gulfam is a resident of Nai Sarai and has been in conflict with his wife, who has been living at her maternal home due to their disagreements. Two days ago on December 30 (Monday), his brother-in-law’s wife filed a molestation case against him.
Warning: Disturbing Video. Viewer’s Discretion Advised
The victim alleged that he was being harassed by the Station House Officer (SHO), the City Circle Officer (CO) and a local MLA. He repeated these accusations while being taken to the hospital. He also said that his in-laws and the other accused took him hostage and snatched his mobile phone, cash and also his E-rickshaw after a dispute.
According to SSP Dr. Brijesh Kumar Singh, the man has been in disputes with his in-laws for the past two years. Several cases involving him have been registered at Kotwali, Civil Lines and Mujaria Police Stations. On December 30, he allegedly broke into his in-laws’ home, which led to the molestation case filed by his brother-in-law’s wife.
Feeling stressed by these events, the man attempted self-immolation. He is currently under treatment in Bareilly, where his condition remains critical.