In a shocking incident, a Muslim woman from Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad, has alleged that her husband gave her verbal triple talaq on Thursday after she praised the local police for containing the situation in Sambhal, where violence erupted following a court-ordered survey of a local mosque. The riots claimed four lives and left several injured.
According to reports, the police have forwarded the 36-year-old woman’s complaint to the jurisdictional women’s police station.
Moradabad Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Satpal Antil told The Indian Express that the woman, a resident of the Kathagar locality, filed a complaint against her husband and in-laws, alleging she was given triple talaq after she watched a video of the Sambhal violence and praised the police. She has also accused them of other offenses.
The police stated that action will be taken against the accused as triple talaq has been a cognisable offense since 2019.
According to reports, the complainant alleged that her husband warned her not to watch videos related to the Sambhal violence. “When my husband saw me watching the video, he told me to stop. I told him I appreciated the role of the Sambhal police. He became furious and pronounced triple talaq,” the woman claimed in her complaint.
The complainant informed the police that she first got married in 2012, but the marriage ended after nine years in 2021. In October 2021, she met another man who promised to marry her. She claimed they entered into a physical relationship, but the man backed out of his promise. She alleged that he married her only after she threatened to file a police complaint against him.
“A few days later, he and my in-laws started physically and mentally harassing me over dowry. On October 31, he forced me to leave his house along with my children,” The Indian Express quoted the woman as saying.