Mumbai: Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who has been under constant threat from the Bishnoi gang, faced a shocking security breach at his shooting location opposite Matunga Railway Station on November 4. Despite the tight security provided by Mumbai Police, a man managed to enter the shooting site opposite Matunga Railway Station on Wednesday evening. A senior police officer said it was a prank.
Mumbai Police reported an incident involving Satish Sharma, a junior artist, who got into an argument with a bouncer on Salman Khan’s shooting set near Matunga Railway Station. The dispute reportedly began over Sharma wanting to take photos with the set, which led to a heated exchange and a minor scuffle. During the altercation, Sharma allegedly remarked, “Should I inform Lawrence Bishnoi?” The comment caused alarm, given the ongoing threats to Salman Khan from the Bishnoi gang.
‘The shooting site, located opposite Matunga Railway Station, was secured by private security and bouncers. Police are investigating the matter and have taken statements from the involved parties to ensure the situation is thoroughly assessed. Not FIR have been registered yet,’ said Police Officer.
Given the repeated threats to Salman Khan, this breach has raised serious concerns about the actor’s safety and the effectiveness of his security arrangements. Further investigations are underway.