Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A man defrauded 37 people, allegedly of Rs 20 lakh in the name of providing them jobs at AIIMS, Bhopal officials said here on Friday. One of the victims, Santosh Suryawanshi, told Free Press that he met one Sankar Billaray on June 25 who introduced himself as a manager of a private vendor company which supply outsourced workers to AIIMS Hospital.

The accused told him that he will provide him a computer operator job at AIIMS if he pays Rs 1.5 lakh to him. He then paid him the amount in installments and got a promise that he will join from July 1. When the victim called him and asked about his joining he began to make excuses. After getting excuses for two months, when Santosh asked for refund he was given a fake joining letter and was called for 10-15 days training at AIIMS.

He further said that his training began from September 25 and there were around 40 others. The accused warned them not to interact with each other while training and had an ID card of AIIMS, Bhopal from which he used to take all of them inside the hospital and directed them to remember all departments. When the ‘fake’ training got completed the accused again began to make excuses on joining issue.

Santosh then contacted his other training mates and reached Bagsewaniya police station on Wednesday to file complaint against the accused. Police station in-charge Amit Soni said that the accused has been taken into custody. After recording statements from each victim, an FIR against the accused will be registered.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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