Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A man was booked for shooting a pigeon using an air gun in Khajrana area on Wednesday. The video was made by a resident who handed it to an NGO whose members lodged a police complaint. The accused was caught by police and action is being taken against him.  

Khajrana police station in-charge Manoj Kumar Sendhav informed Free Press that a case has been registered against Sanjay Kushwah, resident of Nyay Nagar Extension under section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 and section 325 of BNS on the complaint of an office bearer of NGO People For Animal, in the city.  

The complainant informed the police that they had received a video in which a man was seen shooting and killing a pigeon sitting on the power cable in Nyay Nagar Extension area. The NGO members showed the footage to the police and complained against Kushwah.  

The accused was detained by police a few hours after the FIR. Police said that he committed the crime on Wednesday morning. Preventive action was also taken against the accused. The accused is employed by a telecom company that installs internet cables in the city.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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