The Khar police have arrested a man for allegedly stealing a diamond earring valued at Rs.1 lakh, Rs.35,000 in cash, and 500 US dollars from Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon’s residence in Khar West. The arrest took place on January 6, and the accused has been identified as Sameer Ansari, 37. The actress primarily resides in Juhu, while her son, Anmol, lives in the Khar residence. Dhillon occasionally stays at the Khar house as well.

Investigations revealed that Ansari had been at the actress’s residence from December 28 to January 5, as part of a team painting the flat. During this time, he took advantage of the unlocked cupboard to steal the items. Ansari noticed an open cupboard containing the diamond earring, Rs.35,000 in cash, and 500 US dollars stored in a bag. This opportunity prompted him to commit the theft. The accused reportedly spent Rs.9,000 on a party for his colleagues, who were also part of the painting team.

The theft came to light when the actress’s son, Anmol, returned from Dubai on January 5 and inspected the valuables and cash. He noticed the items were missing and contacted his mother to confirm. After speaking with domestic help, the actress’s manager, Sandesh Chaudhary, 39, filed a complaint with the Khar police.

Following the complaint, the painters were summoned for questioning. During interrogation, Ansari confessed to committing the crime, leading to his arrest.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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