A 39-year-old Bipul Shikari, arrested in Delhi’s Garstin Bastion Road for the murder of a 12-year-old boy in Mumbai’s Wadala area, has confessed to killing two more people, including a friend and another minor boy, according to police officials. The Wadala TT police stated that the accused, Bipul Shikari, had been on the run since killing the 12-year-old, who had been missing since January 28. The child’s mutilated body was discovered on March 4. Shikari was apprehended by Delhi police on August 21 based on information provided by Mumbai authorities.
The complainant, Afroz Jahangir Ansari, father of the missing 12-year-old Mohammad Shahzada, reported to the Wadala TT police that his son Shahzada Ansari was missing. On January 12, 2024, the child went to school. He returned home in the afternoon but later went out again and did not return. The family alleged that an unknown person lured their child away.
According to information provided by the police, the 12-year-old boy used to steal items hidden by Shikari after his thefts. Out of anger, Shikari killed Ansari and disposed of his body in the mangroves near Bhakti Park, as revealed by the accused during police interrogation.
A police officer stated that, based on the location in the mangroves near Bhakti Park indicated by the accused Shikari, the Wadala TT police conducted excavation for 7 to 8 days starting from November 5, covering 30 meters to the left and right.
However, no evidence was found. It is now being considered to conduct a soil test. Additionally, the police plan to analyze the mobile location data from the time the boy went missing, using the changed SIM card of the accused, to verify if it matches the Bhakti Park area.