Mumbai: Mamta Kulkarni has returned to India after getting a clean chit from the Bombay High Court in the drug case worth Rs 2000 crore. According to Mamata’s claim, she left India in 2000.

Mamta shared a selfie video. It said he felt dizzy after looking out the window while boarding the flight.

She became very emotional as soon as she came out of the airport. Finally she has reached Mumbai again. Mamta and her partner were accused of being involved in a drug scam worth Rs 2,000 crore. Mamta was accused of playing a role in the supply of ephedrine for the manufacture of methamphetamine. He was also accused of attending a meeting of drug dealers in Kenya with Vicky Goswami. However, the High Court quashed the FIR saying that the allegations against him were not proved.

Mamta Kulkarni was considered one of the boldest actresses of Bollywood in the early 90s. She created a stir by doing a topless photoshoot for a magazine. He worked in many films including ‘Karan Arjun’. Coincidentally, Mamta is back at the same time when ‘Karan Arjun’ is re-released.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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