Famous actress of the 90s, Mamta Kulkarni has recently taken a new turn in her life by becoming Mahamandaleshwar of Kinnar Akhara. He has adopted Sanatan Dharma in his official life, which has brought a significant change in his life.

Mamta Kulkarni has worked in many hit films in her film career, including ‘Karan-Arjun’ with Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan, which was released on 13 January 1995. The songs of this film became quite popular and Shahrukh and Salman shared their experience of working with Mamta in ‘Bigg Boss’ season 9.

In this show, Shahrukh Khan told how Mamta had scolded him and Salman during the shooting. He said, “Mamata Kulkarni, who was opposite Salman in our film Karan Arjun, scolded us. In one of our songs, ‘Bhangra Pa Le’, when we were dancing behind him, he gestured to us that our step was bad.” Salman Khan laughingly agreed to this story.

Mamta Kulkarni’s career may have been in the film industry, but now she has created a new identity. As Mahamandaleshwar of Kinnar Akhara, she is playing her new role in the society, which is an inspiring journey for her.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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