Kolkata, 09 December (Hindu). West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will visit East Medinipur on Tuesday. Before his visit, on Monday he held a meeting with the MLAs of the district in the Assembly. During the meeting, the Chief Minister assigned special responsibility to Ramnagar MLA and former minister Akhil Giri in the elections of Kanthi Cooperative Bank. Akhil Giri, who was removed from the post of minister last August due to his controversial remarks on a woman forest officer, is now playing an active role in the party through this new responsibility.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will visit the under-construction Jagannath temple in Digha on Tuesday. During this period, a trust board of the temple is likely to be formed. On Wednesday, December 11, the Chief Minister will participate in a government program. He is scheduled to return to Kolkata on Thursday.
Not limiting herself to just administrative work, the Chief Minister will also discuss the issues of the district organization of the party. He has given clear instructions to the MLAs to work unitedly to ensure the victory of the party candidates in the Kanti Sahakari Bank elections to be held on December 15.
Giving this new responsibility to Akhil Giri, who had lost the ministerial post due to controversies, is being considered as a strategy to maintain balance in the Trinamool Congress. Recently, the Chief Minister had also called Akhil to the Secretariat and discussed the issue of illegal hotels in Mandarmani.
While handing over this responsibility, the Chief Minister has made it clear that the elections of Kanthi Cooperative Bank should go in favor of the party under any circumstances. Following the instructions of the Supreme Court, this election will be held under the supervision of central forces.