Malaika Arora father hospitalized: A disturbing news is coming out from the house of Bollywood actress Malaika Arora. Recently the actress was spotted outside a hospital in Mumbai with her mother Joyce. According to the reports, Malaika’s father is not keeping well, he is admitted in the hospital and the actress had come to meet her father along with her mother. However, there is no information about the health update of the actress’s father.
Coming out of the hospital, a video of Malaika Arora has surfaced in which she is seen coming out of the hospital with her mother. During this, the actress is wearing a white T-shirt and brown lower and has a mask on her face. In the video, the actress is seen in a hurry. However, so far no update has been revealed from Malaika or her family regarding her father’s health. Be it a party sizzle or a social sensation, Malaika is one of the hottest actresses in the industry. Malaika almost always remains in headlines for one reason or the other. Everyone knows about Arjun and his affair. Recently Arjun Kapoor celebrated his 38th birthday in which girlfriend Malaika joins in.
Videos of Malaika have surfaced from the party in which she is seen dancing to her superhit song Chaiya-Chaiya. Malaika is also very active on social media. yoga and excercise Apart from keeping herself fit, the actress also gives tips to stay healthy. For which the actress often gives information about Yogasana through videos. If you also want to stay fit like Malaika, then you can follow her yoga.