garlic sauce: If your bad cholesterol is increased, then include garlic in your diet to control it. Garlic plays an important role in our traditional cuisine. But this is necessary to control bad cholesterol. Some studies have found that eating garlic daily can reduce LDL cholesterol by 9 percent. Garlic increases HDL cholesterol levels. Which is called good cholesterol. Today we are going to tell you the recipe of one such chutney, which you can stay healthy by eating. This will not only reduce your cholesterol, but you will also get relief from colds and fever.


Garlic is beneficial in controlling cholesterol.

Garlic prevents the manufacture of bad cholesterol and also helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Garlic contains a sulfur -based compound called alicin, which comes out on cutting, crushing or chewing garlic. Garlic buds contain alicin and sulfur. Which removes bad cholesterol from the body. It also keeps your heart healthy. The qualities of garlic buds have been discussed in traditional knowledge from Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans to Chinese and Indians. Its sulfur compounds reach all parts of the body as soon as they go into the stomach and start doing their work.


Garlic sauce recipe

First of all, wash garlic buds thoroughly. Along with this, grind garlic buds with 4-5 green chillies and ginger pieces. Now heat oil in a pan on gas. Add cumin, rye and red chili to this oil and fry. Cook on the gas for a few minutes and the sharp sauce will be prepared. This sauce will look very tasty when eating with roti or bhakari. Apart from this, you can also eat it with lentils and rice.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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