Tasty soup make at home: The taste of the soup in the restaurant seems excellent, but even if we try to make the same soup at home, we do not get the same taste. Due to which women avoid making soup at home, even if they are healthy. If you also feel that the home-made soup does not taste like a soup found in the restaurant, then definitely try these small but useful tips. With the help of which your homemade soup will also be ready to eat thick and tasty. Follow these suggestions for this.


Restaurant -like thick and delicious soup tips

1) Use cream to enhance the taste of any soup. When the soup is ready, add one or two teaspoons of cream above. If the soup is thin, you can also use yogurt.

2) You can also use coconut or regular milk to enhance the taste of soup. If you are going to make greens, broccoli, soy or cabbage soup, then after the soup is ready, you can add coconut milk or normal milk to it. Which will improve the exam.

3) Mix two teaspoons of water in one teaspoon of cornstarch and make a solution without lumps. While making the soup, add this mixture slightly and cook the soup while stirring well. The soup will become thick and tasty.


4) To enhance the taste of soup, only salt and spices are not enough. Add black pepper powder and asafoetida to the soup. Use it at the beginning of making soup. You can use one or two pinch of cinnamon powder in any soup.

5) If you are making cabbage soup, you can use cashew paste to enhance the taste. You can also use it in other soup. Additionally, to thicken the soup, you can also add 1 or 2 mashed boiled potatoes to it.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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