Bhopal, September 3 (HS). On Tuesday, at the BJP state office, the party’s state president and Khajuraho MP Vishnudutt Sharma inaugurated the org.sation festival in Madhya Pradesh by giving membership to Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav and cabinet members through a missed call. After Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav became a member, BJP state president VD Sharma, state in-charge Dr. Mahendra Singh and state org.sation general secretary Hitanand gave him sweets. The festival was celebrated with fireworks and drums at the BJP state office.

Make more people members of the party than the target of making Madhya Pradesh the number one state: Dr. Mohan Yadav

Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that when BJP workers go door-to-door to make people members under the Sangathan Parv, they must tell them that the BJP government of the Centre and Madhya Pradesh under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is ready to wipe the tears of the poor. In 2003, the BJP government was formed in Madhya Pradesh, after which work was done to make the Malwa-Nimar region of the state green using Narmada water. While making members, BJP workers must tell the people of the state that the Congress party which ruled for years did not do any work to make Bundelkhand green, but did distribute crores of rupees in the name of Bundelkhand package. But after Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, the Ken-Betwa Link Project worth Rs 45 thousand crore was approved to make Bundelkhand green. These projects could have come earlier also, but the Congress governments did not work for the welfare of the people. If these projects had come years ago, the direction and condition of Bundelkhand and Gwalior-Chambal region would have been different today.

Embrace everyone with the five commitments, make more members than the target

Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that big people keep helicopters in their homes for their own use, but the BJP government of Madhya Pradesh has worked to provide helicopter facilities to the poor. While making members, BJP workers should tell the people of the state that the BJP government is a government that works for the poor. Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that just as all of you workers have created history with your tireless hard work in the Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha elections, in the same way, make history again by making more members than the target.

Today, thanks to the workers, the picture of splendor is being decorated in the state: Vishnudutt Sharma

BJP’s state president and Khajuraho MP Vishnudutt Sharma said that to stop the attack on the unity and integrity of the country, first Jansangh and then Bharatiya Janata Party was formed. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee sacrificed his life for the unity and integrity of the country. After independence, provision was made in the constitution to impose Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, opposing which Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee sacrificed his life. Bharatiya Janata Party was established with the sacrifice of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and is running on the idea of ​​Antyodaya of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay. We are proud that BJP is the biggest party in the world, in making it a banyan tree, the sacrifice and penance of every party worker is involved.

He said that BJP workers will repeat the history of achieving every target by achieving the membership target of one and a half set for Madhya Pradesh in the Sangathan Parv. All of you should become members to give strength to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. BJP workers should make as many people as possible members of the party to fulfill the resolution of India’s honour and developed India.

He said that in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, 2 crore 24 lakh people in Madhya Pradesh have blessed the Bharatiya Janata Party. I appeal to the BJP workers to make all those who voted for the BJP members under this org.sation festival.

Jansangh and BJP worked to make our country better and safer: Dr. Mahendra Singh

BJP’s state in-charge Dr. Mahendra Singh said that many times it comes to mind that if Jan Sangh was not there, what would have happened to Goa? What would have happened to Noakhali? What would have happened to Doab? What would have happened to Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat? First Jan Sangh and then Bharatiya Janata Party made continuous efforts to keep our country great and safe. Today we are following our religion and culture with complete freedom, the atmosphere in the country, Ramlala temple has been built, grand Mahakal Mahalok has been built, Baba Vishwanath’s corridor has been built, all this has been possible only due to the leadership of Bharatiya Janata Party and Modi ji. Not only on the earth, we have hoisted the tricolor on the moon and are preparing to hoist it on the sun. Today Bharat Mata ki Jai and Vande Mataram are resonating not only in India but all over the world.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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