Mahindra XEV 9e: Mahindra has launched the new XEV 9e electric SUV in India, with a starting price of Rs 21.90 lakh ex-showroom. The company has informed that the delivery of this car will start from March 2025. Like the BE 6e, the new Mahindra XEV 9e is also built on the company’s new INGLO electric vehicle platform.
Another new information has emerged about Mahindra XEV 9e. Mahindra Auto and Farm Sector CEO Rajesh Jejurikar said that the 7-seater model of the new XEV 9e will be launched soon.

How safe is the new XEV 9e?

Mahindra has conducted India’s first live crash test at its state-of-the-art safety laboratory in Tamil Nadu. The new XEV 9e has been designed to be not only beautiful but also extremely safe. It offers advanced safety features, including 360-degree surround camera, parking sensors, blind spot monitoring and Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS).

Apart from this, features like 6 airbags, reverse parking camera, electronic parking brake and tire pressure monitoring system are also available in the entry level SUV only.

Car very similar to the concept

Mahindra has styled the new XEV 9E exactly like the concept model. She looks very attractive. The front end looks sturdy and also gets an LED light bar that covers the entire front. Its sloping roofline also looks great which gives it coupe style. If we look at the rear, it has slim tail lamps and LED DRLs matching the same design.

How special is the cabin?

  • The cabin of the new Mahindra XEV 9e also matches the concept model and looks quite aggressive.
  • It has three displays which cover almost the entire dashboard.
  • Here users will also get driver display. The 2-spoke steering wheel in the cabin is very modern and comes with multiple controls.
  • It is a 5-seater in which you get 663 liters of boot space and a separate trunk of 150 liters.

How powerful is the XEV 9e?

Talking about mechanical, the new Mahindra XEV 9E has 2 battery pack options, first 59 kWh and second 79 kWh. The electric motor generates 170 kW of power with a 59kWh R battery, while in the powerful battery pack this motor generates 210 kW of power and 380 Nm of peak torque. The company claims that this electric SUV can be driven up to 656 km on full charge.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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