Frustrated residents of Mahim have written to Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and civic chief Bhushan Gagrani over inaction in the matter of piles of garbage collecting near St. Michael Church every Thursday.

The residents have been complaining that every Thursday morning, Cross Road No 1 and 2 on Lady Jamshedji Road in Mahim West gets filled with trash. As a result, office-goers and school children have to make way through an unhygienic stretch.

The protesters said the trash is generated by illegal hawkers who put up their stalls every Wednesday evening. They said that neither the BMC has taken any action against the hawkers nor have they provided them with dustbins to dispose of trash.

Local resident Sebastian Dsouza said, “Every Wednesday, the church has novena (prayers). Illegal hawkers squat to cater to the crowd. However, once the hawkers leave at 10 pm, they leave behind leftovers and plastic. Why can’t the BMC appoint cleaning staff late on Wednesday or Thursday early morning when they are aware of this local problem?”

“If A-Ward (Colaba-Cuffe Parade) can have a cleaning staff, why can’t G-North have a similar arrangement? When not deployed in A-Ward, the staff can clean other areas when needed,” Dsouza said. Other residents asked, “Is Swachh Mumbai Harit Mumbai just a slogan?”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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