A case of stone pelting and arson has come to light between two groups in Jalgaon, Maharashtra. Tension escalated between the two groups here after a vehicle carrying the family of Shiv Sena minister Gulabrao Patil honked its horn. According to initial information, an incident of stone pelting and arson took place in Paldhi village of Jalgaon district of Maharashtra on Tuesday night. A brawl broke out between the two groups after the driver of the vehicle carrying minister Gulabrao Patil’s family honked his horn, leading to anger in the crowd.


curfew till tomorrow evening

As soon as the horn sounded, a clash broke out between the villagers and party workers. Meanwhile the commotion increased and the angry crowd started pelting stones. Soon the situation went out of control and shops and vehicles were set on fire. The matter of firing has also come to light. As soon as information about the incident was received, the police team reached the spot. A case has been registered against about 25 people and about 10 people have been detained. Curfew has been imposed in Jalgaon till 6 pm tomorrow. At present a large number of police convoys have been deployed in the area. ,

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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