There is talk of Mahayuti’s bumper victory in Maharashtra elections, while on the other hand the opposition is once again raising questions on EVMs. The people of Markarwadi village of Solapur district have announced a unique experiment. The villagers were shocked by the EVM results and now they have again put up voting banners along with the ballot paper. However, the administration has imposed restrictions to prevent re-polling in the area.

It is known that Uttamrao Shivdas Jankar of NCP (Sharad Pawar) faction has won from Malshiras seat. People of Markarwadi village claim that Uttamrao Jankar got 80 percent more votes than BJP candidate Ram Satpute at the booth in our village. But according to EVM voting, Uttam Rao got only 1003 votes. While Satpute got 843 votes. Villagers claim that Satpute did not get more than 100-150 votes from their village. Voting took place in Maharashtra on 20 November. When the results came on 23 November. Jankar defeated Satpute by 13,147 votes.

According to the Jewish Agency, the villagers say that the results of EVM are doubtful. A delegation of villagers approached the district administration and demanded re-polling through ballot paper. However, the villagers say that the administration rejected their demand. In such a situation, the villagers decided to vote again at their level.

SDM imposed curfew and
The villagers put up banners claiming that re-polling would be conducted through ballot paper on December 3. An official said that the matter has been taken into cognizance. To avoid any clash, the SDM of Malshiras has imposed curfew in the area from 2nd to 5th under Section 163 of the Indian Civil Defense Code.

Mahayuti’s bumper victory
It is noteworthy that in the recent assembly elections held in the state, Mahayuti got 233 seats out of 288 seats in the state, in which BJP got 132 seats, Shiv Sena got 57 seats and Ajit Pawar’s NCP got 41 seats. Mahavikas Aghadi had to be satisfied with only 49 seats. Shiv Sena (UBT) got 20 seats, Congress 16 and Sharad Pawar’s NCP got 10 seats.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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