Violence broke out in Parbhani, Maharashtra on Wednesday. Heavy police deployment has been made in the area after the incident of stone pelting and arson. Apart from this, bandh has been announced in Parbhani. In view of the bandh, heavy police deployment has been made everywhere. But meanwhile, people came out on the streets in protest against tearing the symbolic book of the Constitution in front of Ambedkar’s statue. Nanded Highway was blocked by sloganeering and burning tires in Parbhani. The protesters indulged in stone pelting and arson. It has come to light that many policemen were injured in this violence.


Section 163 imposed in Parbhani

The important thing is that the case of breaking the replica of the Constitution came to light on Tuesday. After which there was a protest and it is being said that during this incident of stone pelting also came to light. After this incident of tampering with the statue of Baba Saheb, local leaders also protested against it and condemned the demolition of the replica. Section 163 has been imposed in Parbhani. There has been a ban on gathering of people. People have been advised to stay at home. Meanwhile, the accused has been arrested.


Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi chief Prakash Ambedkar said in this matter that it is extremely shameful that casteist Maratha miscreants tampering with the Indian Constitution on the statue of Baba Saheb in Parbhani. This is not the first time that the statue of Baba Saheb or a symbol of Dalit identity has been vandalized. Further said that I request everyone to maintain law and order. If all the miscreants are not arrested within the next 24 hours, there will be consequences.



Strict action should be taken- Supriya Sule

On Parbhani violence, NCP MP Supriya Sule said that it is shameful the way a person damaged the replica of the Constitution near the statue of Bharat Ratna Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar. “Strict action should be taken against those who do this.” “Those who ignore the Constitution will have to say that its principle of equality is invalid.”


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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