In a concerted effort to combat cybercrime, the Maharashtra Police has launched a major operation in Guwahati, targeting cybercriminals implicated in large-scale financial fraud. This initiative stems from a high-profile case involving a Nashik businessman who was defrauded of Rs 6.90 crore by a cyber offender impersonating a police officer.

Preliminary investigations indicate that these cybercriminals operate through an extensive network spanning multiple states, including Assam, Rajasthan, and Bihar. Guwahati has emerged as a significant hub in this operation, with several bank accounts linked to cyber offenders being flagged for holding substantial sums of money.

A team from the Maharashtra Police is currently stationed in Guwahati, working closely with local law enforcement to delve deeper into the financial trail. The team has gathered transaction details from various banks, successfully tracing large-scale monetary movements tied to the suspects’ accounts.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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