Eight people died in an explosion at an arms factory in Maharashtra’s Bhandara district on Friday morning. While 7 people are injured. A rescue operation is being conducted to search for the employees present in the factory at the time of the incident. Police gave this information. District Magistrate Sanjay Kolte said that the explosion took place in the ordnance factory premises at around 10 am. Some employees have also been injured. As soon as there was an explosion in the factory, there was chaos and the employees started running away. According to the information, efforts are being made to rescue the employees trapped inside the factory. The cause of the explosion has not been revealed yet.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari confirmed the death of 8 people
On the explosion in the Ordnance Factory in Bhandara, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said that a big explosion has taken place in the Ordinance Factory in Bhandara. According to initial information, 8 people have died in this incident. While 7 people are injured. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari observed a minute of silence for the people who lost their lives in the explosion at the Ordnance Factory in Bhandara.
what did the collector say
Bhandara Collector Sanjay Kolte told the media that after the accident at Ordnance Factory Jawahar Nagar, fire brigade and ambulance were immediately sent to the spot. At present relief and rescue work is going on. A roof collapsed due to the explosion. The help of JCB machine is being taken to remove it. It is reported that 12 people were present at the time of the incident. Of which two have been evacuated safely.
The explosion in the ordinance factory has spread panic in the area. A large number of employees were working in the factory at the time of the accident. The explosion was so powerful that its sound was heard even in the surrounding areas. After this a large crowd gathered. At present the police and factory management are investigating the matter. In the pictures from the factory, pieces of heavy weapons can be seen scattered all around. The injured are being taken to the hospital by ambulance. Police are interrogating officials of the factory management and security department.
what did the police say
A police officer said that fire brigade, police and local disaster management teams are at the spot. He said that the explosion took place in the LTP section of the factory located in Jawahar Nagar area. The official said that 14 employees were working in the LTP section at the time of the explosion. Three of them were rescued alive while one died.