Maharashtra Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik announced on Friday that the government is working on an ambitious plan to develop 3,360 acres of land owned by the state transport corporation. He also urged architects to redesign bus stands and depots to enhance their visual appeal.

At the inauguration of a two-day conference organized by the Indian Association of Architects in Thane, the minister emphasized the importance of innovative and environmentally sustainable designs for future developments on Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) land.

“An ambitious plan is being developed to transform approximately 3,360 acres of ST land across the state. This includes 90 district-level sites covering 885 acres, 424 taluka-level sites spanning 1,535 acres, and 328 village-level sites comprising 945 acres. These strategically located properties form part of MSRTC’s extensive portfolio,” he stated.

The minister outlined a vision to redevelop these sites into modern hubs featuring bus stations, public plazas, parking facilities, shopping complexes, offices, and hotels. He urged architects to offer innovative suggestions and contribute proposals to enhance the overall planning process.

“The aesthetic vision of architects can redefine bus stands and depots, transforming them into iconic landmarks of functional beauty,” he remarked.

He highlighted the critical role of architects in setting benchmarks for eco-friendly and sustainable development. “Your creative expertise can ensure that the redevelopment of MSRTC land aligns with contemporary standards of aesthetics and functionality. Projects built with your contributions will inspire future generations,” the minister added.

Currently, the MSRTC operates 598 bus stations, 251 bus depots, 63 divisional offices, 32 central workshops, and a Central Training Institute. The minister also discussed plans to incorporate public-private partnerships (PPPs) in executing these redevelopment projects.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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