Mumbai: The state government on Wednesday announced a 10- member Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by IPS officer Basavraj Teli to probe the murder of Massajog sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh. Teli is the Deputy Inspector General in the Crime Investigation Department.

The murder has turned into a political war of attrition as a prime accused in an extortion case linked to the murder, Walmik Karad, is a close associate of NCP minister Dhananjay Munde. Therefore, the case has acquired overtones of being a clash between the Maratha community (to which the slain sarpanch belonged) and the Vanajari community of the OBCs, led by ministers Munde.

Incidentally, DIG Teli, who will head the SIT, is said to be an OBC. Meanwhile, villagers in Massajog have started a ‘jal samadhi’ agitation, demanding the arrest of the absconding accused in the murder case.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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