Ganesh Naik during his Janata Darbar at Vishnudas Bhave Auditorium in Vashi | X @NaikSpeaks
Navi Mumbai: State Forest Minister Ganesh Naik came down heavily on CIDCO officials who are ignoring environmental concerns, calling some of them ‘corrupt and incompetent’. He assured that wetlands and mangroves in the city would be protected and warned against any attempts to destroy them.
Speaking to an environmentalist delegation during his Janata Darbar at Vishnudas Bhave Auditorium in Vashi on Monday, Naik acknowledged that CIDCO had been neglecting citizen’s demands to safeguard key wetlands such as the DPS Flamingo Lake.
Statement Of Maharashtra Forest Minister Ganesh Naik
“As the Forest Minister, it is my duty to protect wetlands and mangroves, and I will not allow any destruction,” Naik declared, directing forest department officials to take action.
About The Delegation
The delegation, comprising writer Jayant Hudar, NatConnect Foundation director B N Kumar, Navi Mumbai Environment Preservation Society’s Sandeep Sareen, and Kharghar Wetlands and Hills Forum convenor Jyoti Nadkarni, submitted memoranda detailing the destruction of DPS Flamingo Lake. They pointed out that CIDCO had blocked the intertidal water flow despite recommendations from a high-level government committee to keep the channels open, leading to water stagnation and pollution.
Even the state Environment Director and the Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests had written to CIDCO officials, urging them to address the issue.
State Forest Minister Ganesh Naik Expresses Anger Over CIDCO’s Inaction
Naik, who had personally visited DPS Lake, expressed anger over CIDCO’s inaction. He assured that the matter would be taken up on priority and praised the citizens for their commitment to protecting the environment, including legal action through courts and the National Green Tribunal (NGT).
When informed that CIDCO was attempting to auction a Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) plot near Seawoods NRI Complex, Naik stated that he would not tolerate any threat to mangroves and wetlands.
Regarding concerns about biodiversity loss near Pandavkada Hills due to the Kharghar-Turbhe Link Road tunnel drilling, Naik emphasized the need for infrastructure development but agreed that ecological balance must be maintained.
Due to the overwhelming number of people at the Janata Darbar, delegation member B N Kumar requested a separate meeting with Naik to discuss environmental issues in detail. The Minister readily agreed to a future discussion.