Maharashtra batsman Ankit Bawne has been banned for a match due to disagreement. The BCCI announced the announcement before the sixth round of the Ranji Trophy 2024/25 season, where Maharashtra encountered at the Golf Club Ground in Nashik from Baroda. The incident took place at the MCA ground during Maharashtra’s Group A match in November last year, which was played before the start of the White-Ball tournament against the services.
In the match, Shubham Rohilla of Services was caught out in the slip off Amit Shukla, but he was unhappy with the umpire’s decision, as he thought it was not out. Bawne refused to leave the ground for about 15 minutes, as he could not challenge the decision due to the unavailability of DRS. The match started again after the intervention of the match referee Amit Sharma and Maharashtra coach Sulakshan Kulkarni.
The MCA said in a press release on Thursday, “Maharashtra Cricket Association officially informs that our Ranji Trophy player Ankit Bawne is currently facing a match ban by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).”
It was further said, “Therefore, Ankit Bawne is not available for selection for the ongoing Ranji Trophy match against Baroda. However, we are happy to confirm that he will be available for the next match and will continue to contribute to the success of the Maharashtra team. We respect the decisions of BCCI and are committed to maintain discipline and sportsmanship in the game of cricket. The team is completely focused on performing their best in the current match and we are waiting for Ankit’s participation in the upcoming matches. ”