Monalisa’s luck, which went viral while selling garlands in Mahakumbh, has once again shine. Monalisa, who came into the limelight due to her blue and brown eyes, is now stepping into Bollywood. Famous director Sanoj Mishra has signed him for the lead role in his next film. The film is of two actresses, with Monalisa in the lead role.
Monalisa came to Mahakumbh to sell garlands with her family, where some YouTubers made a video of her and went viral on social media. His growing popularity was so high that he had to hide for some time and eventually he had to return to his home to Indore.
Details of the film
Director Sanoj Mishra told PTI-Bhasha that Monalisa has been selected for her upcoming film The Diary of Manipur, which is based on a love story. He said that Monalisa’s simplicity inspired her to cast her in the film. Mishra said that he met Monalisa and her family at her house, and they had agreed to work in the film.
Monalisa said that although she never acted in her life, she is taking it as a challenge. Mishra told that he will be trained in acting and the shooting of the film will begin in April.
Introduction to Sanoj Mishra
Sanoj Mishra, a resident of Lucknow, is a famous writer and director. He has made about 15 films after working as an assistant director for nearly three decades. In 2023, there was a lot of discussion about his film “The Diary of West Bengal”, for which he also received a legal notice. He then went missing for some time, which was reported by his wife to the police.
Sanoj told that he was afraid of questioning in relation to the film, so he broke his mobile and went to Varanasi.
This story of Monalisa is an inspirational example that with simplicity and hard work, any person can make his mark in the entertainment world.